Challenges of Hiring Licensed Labour in India and Outsourcing and Effective Answers – Shares Mr. Atul Mahajan

A complete sector of the global workforce exists en masse, yet only a few understand how it works. Blue-collar workers are the backbone of industrialization. Mr. Mahajan believes that every group of employees deserve specific attention on their needs. When looking into the blue-collar industry, there are several topics not yet discovered. Let’s go deeper into this blog, Mr. Atul Mahajan, Director of Trendsetters Facilities and Technical Services (TFTS) India’s top licensed labor outsourcing company talks about the challenges of hiring licensed labor outsourcing.

What is a Blue Collar Worker?

The blue-collar industry consists of people performing manual labor. A blue-collar worker might be an employee in a manufacturing or processing unit or a warehouse worker in logistics. Physical work like farming, landscaping, construction and waste removal are also part of this industry.

Though mostly blue-collar workers are confused with unskilled laborers, they are actually some of the most skilled manual workers, including certified electricians and plumbers.

The Challenges Today Within the Logistics Industry:

High Attrition Rate in High-Density Warehouse Locations

As blue-collar workers look for the best overall work atmosphere and benefits package, employers are paying for the cost of turnover and competition. In areas with several logistics jobs or warehouses, blue-collar workers are prone to change employers for minor increases in hourly pay.

However, employees are looking to work for lower pay if their performance receives high ratings. Turnover is specifically, taxing if your floor managers also perform HR functions.

A Usual Shifts Do Not Fit Into the Life of Employees

Blue-collar industries generally, operate 3 shifts a day 24/7. Afternoon and overnight shifts seem to be less desirable for parents. In addition to it, you can find several studies that discovered a link between shift work and mental disorders.

The Training Procedure

Several managers are not equipped to HR functions while at the same time teaching the advancements of technology. There is mostly a lack of time for proper training as trainers are normally also working on-site and do not have sufficient time to educate the team. Employers require to invest in blue-collar training to effectively onboard and engage blue-collar workers. Hiring proper trainers for logistics workers makes sure floor managers and experienced workers are not taken away from their work

Moreover, digital training ways keep the training for warehouse workers in logistics short, impactful, and organized. You can learn more about ways digital training methods improve training and reduce labor costs.

Fallen Workforce

The majority of the present blue-collar workforce consists of Baby Boomers that will continue to retire through 2030, making employment gaps. As a result, the younger generation entering the workforce is getting college degrees and not pursuing blue-collar labor.

How to go through the talent shortage

Here are some top ways to navigate through the talent shortage of the blue collared workers.

Advertise to Niche Job Posts

Niche job sites assist you to target the proper audience and decrease irrelevant applications. So, if you are not getting all the candidates you need by posting jobs on mainstream job boards, try out targeted job sites, as well.


Employee referrals are one of the best hiring methods: referred employees seem to stay longer at the company and be better culture fits. So, ask your employees if they know other competent workers who can fill your open roles. So look to start referral programs.

Hire Veterans

If only there was a complete group of highly trained and skilled workers who are mostly unemployed or looking for a new career. Well, there several; military veterans are trained in the supply chain, construction, driving, and various other fields, and they could easily transfer those skills to careers in non-military pursuits.

So, think of including a veteran hiring program in your recruitment strategy.

Look for Apprenticeship Programs

The good thing is that several millennials who are also willing to work as a blue-collar worker. So, this is an opportunity to encourage senior secondary school or college pass outs. To do this you can start partnerships with colleges and universities. This is specifically, good for those students who have a poor economical background and are eagerly looking for a job.

Be Mobile Friendly

Job seekers are more likely to look for jobs using mobile phones. It means you have to optimize your web pages or the forms for mobile platforms. If you have not optimized yet. Do it now.

Other ways to attract more blue-collared workers are:

·       Provide a good salary package

·       Give non-monetary benefits and perks

·       Improve work safety

·       Recognize and Reward

·       Hear their voices for decision making

TFTS is the leading labor and worker outsourcing company to SIDCUL, Mahindra SEZ, Rudrapur, Dharuhera, and NH8 manufacturing zone.

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