When hired as a temporary worker whether in an organization or in a manpower firm, being a good one is essential to your future. Whether you aspire for a permanent position, or you are just there for a short-term project, it is always important to be a good temporary employee.

Many a time when a company hires a temporary worker, they will have a permanent opportunity in the company that they are either actively recruiting for or may even be considering you for.

In this article, Mr. Atul Mahajan, Director, Trendsetters Facilities & Technical Services (TFTS) Delhi’s top manpower outsourcing company shares tips for being a good temporary worker.

Avoid Moving In

It is a nice idea when working somewhere for a duration, whether short or long, to personalize your space. You should always feel welcome at an organization to do so. However, it is best to bear in mind that too many personal items in the workspace can be detracting to you and those around you. Also, it might not give the best impression to your employer if they feel you are moving in. In fact, it may appear a little presumptive and be a turn off to them.

It is also a better idea to have a minimum personalization in your workspace on a short-term project because if the project ends, it will be not easy for you to get all of your items at once. This is something to surely think about if the staffing agency will be the ones picking up your personal belongings at the end of the assignment.

Turn In Your Hours On Time

When working as a temporary worker through a manpower outsourcing firm, you are responsible for keeping track of and turning in your hours on a daily basis. Be certain that you are always getting your timesheet signed and present in on time. This will get you paid promptly and keep the manpower agency and company you are working for on schedule and satisfied.

If you are not sure of the procedure for turning in time, feel free to give your manpower agency a call and they will help you through the process.


Communication is a critical aspect of being a temporary worker. When you are working temporarily, you are working away from your primary employer which is the manpower agency. This offsite work situation means that when you have an issue, you should always communicate the matter to your recruiter. The recruiter is there to assist you to work through your workplace concerns.

This does not say that you cannot talk to your supervisor at the company you are working at, though. Communicating problems to both parties may result in the conflict being successfully addressed in the quickest amount of time. But, if you have doubts, you should not keep them to yourself or try to ‘figure it out’ because there might be a solution that points to a better work environment for you to continue your project.

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