In today’s scenario making your business or manpower outsourcing firm a magnet for attracting talent is not that easy especially when there is so much of competition all around regarding the recruitment. The ability to get top talent and retain it is a big time puzzle. Many companies feel that to an extent company culture is the solution. Because, it is undoubtedly, a big tool for attracting talents to join your business. It is also the base of your company’s success.
Nowadays, when it is a question of attracting a candidate the salary alone is not the only criteria to win over top talents. Most professionals these days are not willing to work at a leading company if they feel that work culture is not good. So the question here arises, what is a company or business culture?
Well, the company or business culture can be described as an environment. It is made up of an intricate network of humans and technology and it needs careful balancing to function at its best. Business culture usually is based on the values and thinking of the company founders. It covers all the areas from acceptance of behavior to the regular interactions between staff and management, as well the surrounding in which they work. Hence, to attract talents cultural aspects of the business is very important. Particularly, the millennials care a lot about who they work for.
The thing to ask is what are the essential facts to know about business culture and attracting talent. In this blog Mr. Atul Mahajan, Director of Trendsetters Facilities & Technical Services (TFTS) India’s leading manpower and labour outsourcing company shares his inputs on this.
Have A Good Business Strategy
There can be no alternative to recruit the top talent without a good business strategy be it any organization or manpower outsourcing firm. Why would great talents want to join you? You need to know the reasons what makes your company stand out from the crowd and sell that to prospective talents.
Think deeply why a talented professional would choose you over your competitors. It is usually because of an innovative and exciting business strategy that a potential candidate will be interested in. Accommodating culture with business strategy has been shown to attract talent, as well as increase growth and revenue.
Have Clear Core Values
It is essential to have clearly defined core values and living within those values are important to the good business culture. People want to feel inspired by the companies they work for. Good values make it easier for businesses and manpower firms to select the right talent and it helps candidates to connect themselves with a business they want to work for.
Offer A Programme Based On Continuous Learning And Development
These days, learning and development play an important role in the process of recruitment. Talents are increasingly looking at career development and learning new things in business. Learning and development are essential for planning, managing and engaging talent. It allows businesses to promote from time to time and effectively target recruitment to maintain a talent pipeline.
Existing Employees Are Your Brand Ambassadors
We know that forum for employees to rate and review employers is increasing. Sites like LinkedIn, Glassdoor and Indeed, are such recruitment sites, that are providing insightful information about a company’s culture to prospective candidates. In the digital age, businesses with improper culture are being exposed.
Your existing employees are your brand ambassadors. They have access to online networks through social media. They can promote your brand and improve your visibility to prospective talents. Just as people are more likely to buy a product that has been recommended by a friend, they might be interested in working for employers that have been recommended to them.
Businesses and manpower outsourcing firms can no longer overlook culture in their recruitment strategies, especially if they want to attract and retain the top talent. Attracting talent is a tough job. The recruiting process has changed dynamically and power now has shifted to the candidates. As a trend, now culture and culture-fit talent are the paths to success.